Past Events
The following is a list of events in which SEAri had a role from 2007 to 2017.
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 22-24, Huntsville, AL
- IEEE Systems Conference 2016, April 18-21, Orlando, FL
- INCOSE International Symposium 2016, July 18-21, Edinburgh, UK
- 8th Annual SERC Sponsor Research Review, November 2016, Washington, DC
- 5th Annual SERC Sponsor Research Review, February 2014, Washington, DC
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), March 20, Los Angeles, CA
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 21-22, Redondo Beach, CA
- INCOSE International Symposium 2014, June 30- July 3, Las Vegas, NV
- 6th Annual SERC Sponsor Research Review, December 2014, Washington, DC
- INCOSE International Workshop, January 26-29, Jacksonville, FL
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), March 19, Atlanta, GA
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 19-22, Atlanta, GA
- IEEE Systems Conference 2013, April 15-18, Orlando, FL
- INCOSE International Symposium 2013, June 24-27, Philadelphia, PA
- SEAri Orientation, September 3, 4:00p-6:00p, Cambridge, MA
- IEEE Systems Conference 2012, March 19-23, Vancouver, Canada
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), March 19, St. Louis, MO
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 19-22, St. Louis, MO
- 2012 Industry Studies Conference, May 29- June 1, Pittsburgh, PA
- 3rd Int'l Engineering Systems Symposium, June 18-20, TU Delft, the Netherlands
- INCOSE International Symposium 2012, July 9-12, Rome, Italy
- MIT Professional Education Short Programs: Architecting the Future Enterprise, July 30-August 1, Cambridge, MA
- SEAri Orientation, September 6, 2:00p-4:00p, Cambridge, MA
- AIAA Space 2012, September 11-13, Pasadena, CA
- INCOSE International Workshop, January 29- February 1, Phoenix, AZ
- IEEE Systems Conference 2011, April 4-7, Montreal, Canada
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), April 14, Redondo Beach, CA
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, April 15-16, Redondo Beach, CA
- INCOSE International Symposium 2011, June 20-23, Denver, CO
- SEAri Orientation, September 6, 9:00a-11:00a, Cambridge, MA
- AIAA Space 2011, September 26-29, Long Beach, CA
- SEAri Research Summit, October 21, 8:30a-4:30p, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Workshop, February 7-10, Phoenix, AZ
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), March 16, Hoboken, NJ
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 17-19, Hoboken, NJ
- IEEE Systems Conference 2010, April 5-8, San Diego, CA
- 2010 Industry Studies Conference, May 6-7, Chicago, IL
- INCOSE International Symposium 2010, July 12-15, Chicago, IL
- MIT Professional Institute Course: Value-driven Tradespace Exploration for System Design, July 26-28, Cambridge, MA
- MIT Professional Institute Course: Epoch-Based Thinking: Anticipating System and Enterprise Strategies for Dynamic Futures, July 29-30, Cambridge, MA
- AIAA Space 2010, August 30- September 2, Anaheim, CA
- SEAri Orientation, September 10, 9:30a-12:00p, Cambridge, MA
- SEAri Research Summit, October 19, 8:30a-5p, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Workshop, January 30- February 3, San Francisco,CA
- IEEE Systems Conference 2009, March 23-26, Vancouver, Canada
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), April 20, Leicestershire, UK
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, April 20-22, Loughborough, UK
- 2nd Engineering Systems Division Symposium, June 15-17, Cambridge, MA
- MIT Professional Institute Course: Value-driven Tradespace Exploration for System Design, June 22-25, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Symposium 2009, July 19-23, Singapore
- SEAri Orientation, September 4, 10a-12:30p, Cambridge, MA
- AIAA Space 2009, September 14-17, Pasadena, CA
- SEAri Research Summit, October 20, 8:30a-5p, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Workshop, January 27-30, Albuquerque, NM
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), April 3, Los Angeles, CA
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, April 4-5, Los Angeles, CA
- IEEE Systems Conference 2008, April 7-10, Montreal, Canada
- Responsive Space 6, April 28-May 1, Los Angeles, CA
- MIT Professional Institute Course: Value-driven Tradespace Exploration for System Design, June 9-12, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Symposium 2008, June 15-19, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- SEAri Orientation, August 29, 10a-2p, Cambridge, MA
- AIAA Space 2008, September 9-11, San Diego, CA
- SEAri Research Summit, October 21, 8:30a-5p, Cambridge, MA
- INCOSE International Workshop, January 27-30, Albuquerque, NM
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ
- IEEE Systems Conference 2007, April 9-12, Honolulu, HI
- Lean Aerospace Initiative Annual Conference, April 17-19, Cambridge, MD
- Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network (SEANET), June 23, San Diego, CA
- INCOSE International Symposium 2007, June 24-28, San Diego, CA
- SEAri Orientation, August 31, 9a-2p, Cambridge, MA
- ASME IDETC/CIE 2007, September 4-7, Las Vegas, NV
- AIAA Space 2007, September 18-20, Long Beach, CA
- SEAri Research Summit, October 16, 8:30a-5p, Cambridge, MA