IVTea Suite

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Interactive Value-Driven Tradespace Exploration and Analysis

IVTea Suite (Interactive Value-Driven Tradespace Exploration and Analysis Suite) is a software package developed in MATLABĀ® at the MIT Systems Engineering Advancement Research Initiative (SEAri). It is intended to help engineering analysts, stakeholders, and decision makers uncover insights about their systems and support value robust decision making in the face of large, uncertain problems. The software is a research support tool, and not intended for broad circulation as a final product for users.

A researcher leading an interactive tradespace exploration session

Earlier versions of IVTea Suite were called "Vislab" and were developed as a support environment for the various tradespace exploration and analysis activities in the research group. "Widgets" formed the basis of extensible, modular visualization and analysis capabilties. The set of widgets in Vislab was intended to capture graduate student knowledge and to help the group leverage collective capabilties through reuse, minimizing the need to recreate software for standard tradespace techniques.

Related Files

IVTea Suite Help Files [link]
Prindle, A.L., Tradespace Exploration in the Cloud: Incorporating Cloud Technologies into IVTea Suite, Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, June 2015. [pdf]
IMCSE Phase One Technical Report SERC-2014-TR-048-1, September 2014. [pdf]
Ross, A.M., McManus, H.L., Rhodes, D.H., and Hastings, D.E., "A Role for Interactive Tradespace Exploration in Multi-Stakeholder Negotiations," AIAA Space 2010, Anaheim, CA, September 2010. [paper] [briefing]
Ross, A.M., McManus, H.L., Rhodes, D.H., and Hastings, D.E., "Revisiting the Tradespace Exploration Paradigm: Structuring the Exploration Process," AIAA Space 2010, Anaheim, CA, September 2010. [paper] [briefing]
Ross, A.M., "Insights from a Multisensory Tradespace Exploration Laboratory for Complex System Selection," SEAri Annual Research Summit, Cambridge, MA, October 2009. [briefing]


  • IVTea Suite Windows 64 bit: [link] Coming Soon
  • IVTea Suite Windows 32 bit: [link] Coming Soon